Thursday, March 6, 2014

5 Things Gianna and I Couldn't Live Without!

Alright expectant Mamas, I have a treat for you! Like I always say, I am not an expert; I am learning and growing with my little princess every day. As so many of my friends are expecting for the first time, and as I am expecting for a second time, memories keep flooding in my heart and mind of those early days, weeks and months with my daughter who is already over a year and a half! Here are 5 things that made life so sweet for Gianna and me "back in the day:" ;)

1. MY MOMMY!!!
Call me corny for showing this picture of me as a baby in my Mommy's arms, but there is something about becoming a new Mom that brings out the baby in you! You are vunerable, hormonal and...well a fish out of water basically! Who better to come to your rescue than your Mother? I was so blessed to have my Mom (who is retired) stay with us for the first 4-6 weeks. I learned so much from her and she was quick to take over, giving my husband and I a break. She even did things like look after our cat, take out the trash. Oh I could go on and on about this precious gem!!! If you are blessed enough to have your mother or a mother-like figure around, then be grateful and be sure to do something special for her once your feet hit the ground!
2. Boppy Pillow
Something so simple, yet so valuable. . . a Boppy Pillow!!! I truly don't know how people fed babies without them! Gone are the numb arms and cramps! Plus, your baby is able to get so comfortable! Not only can you use this God-send to feed (breast or bottle) your little one, you can also use it for tummy time and other developmental activities (Please see instructions that come with the pillow.).
3. Swing
I got teased to no end by my husband and mother for this one. Whenever they saw the picture of my dream swing, they broke out in laughter. I was told it looked like a spaceship, a rocket, you name it. I was also told it was unnecessary - they thought it was just a cute little item I added because it was purple and had frilly things on it. I kept trying to convince them that this swing would be a life-saver to us and that our newborn would sleep peacefully in it. So, my Mom bought it and trust me, it didn't take long for everyone to realize this Mama knew best! Be sure to check the reviews and safety recalls before purchasing a swing.
4. Bottle Warmer
Aaaahhh gone are the days where you stumble out of bed in the middle of the night to warm up a bottle on the stove! Just keep the reservoir filled with water, pop your bottle in, set the timer and watch magic happen!!! Of course you still need to test the temperature of the formula, or breast milk before feeding your little munchkin.
5 Pacifier
How can something so sweet, innocent and plain old adorable be so controversial? Some mothers are anti-pacifier, while others have a stock pile of the little suckers. I can only speak for myself and little Miss Gianna when I say, "Thank you Lord for pacifiers!!!" If you plan on not giving your child pacifiers, be sure to inform the hospital prior to delivery. Otherwise they will stick one in your baby's mouth practically straight out of the womb. Once that happens, good luck breaking your new little buddy out of that habit!

So I am sure none of these survival tools come as a surprise. Nonetheless, I hope I was able to give you some insight as to just how valuable each one is. Get ready for the most exciting journey of your life!!! Enjoy!

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