Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Hello and welcome to my blog! I am a blessed mother to one precious angel and another one on the way. As a 32 year old wife and mother, I am constantly finding myself in the midst of some "Ah ha" moment. At other times, I'm just plain old confused and need the guidance of other mothers. Then there are those moments when a Mommy just needs to vent; not necessarily about her child, but more about the ridiculous stuff that flies out of people's mouths! Let me make this clear - I am not claiming to be some motherly expert! Quite the contrary! I am, like all of us mothers, a work in progress and enjoying the journey! So please don't just read the blogs (BUT PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE READ THEM AND SPREAD THE WORD!); I want you to be an active participant! Please post comments and no, I am not afraid of hearing from people who have an opposing opinion to mine. So let's do this Mommy thing together and have some fun in the process! :)