Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Music Videos Inspired by "LEAVE MY DAUGHTER'S HAIR ALONE!!!"

Hello everyone!!! WOW! I have been so humbled and blessed by the HUGE response from all of you regarding my last blog, "LEAVE MY DAUGHTER'S HAIR ALONE!!!" Just like I thought, so many of you - black, white, and everyone in between - could relate to what my daughter and I have experienced. Both males and females had stories to share with me that reinforced what my heart was telling me all along...this story needs to be told so that we can all exhale, heal, hold our heads up high and move on!

I am posting two videos that are connected with this topic. Thank you, Patricia Ebony Queen Webb for reminding me of this fabulous song titled, "I Am Not My Hair" by India.Arie featuring Akon.


The next video comes from the classic children's show "Sesame Street." The song is called "I Love My Hair," and oh do I wish this song existed whenever I was a little girl!


It's so nice to see we have resources like this to empower our youth to look beyond the exterior and instead focus on nurturing and developing their spirit, intelligence and compassion. Take care and stay tuned for more inspiring and enlightening blog posts!

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Ok, so when writing about this topic, I thought to myself, "This is probably geared more towards African American mothers and their daughters." However, I think all mothers can relate to the superficiality of today's society so here it goes...

I am so beyond sick and tired of people having something to say about my daughter's hair! It both saddens and sickens me that there is so much attention placed on black girls' hair and starting at such a young age! When people see my daughter, one of the first things some of them say has something to do with my precious angel's hair. I hear comments like, "Woo look at that head," "Oh Gianna your curls are getting tight," "Have you done her hair?" and on and on. The absolute worse is whenever people want to take over by grabbing a comb or offering their own! UNBELIEVABLE! SHE'S NOT EVEN 2 YEARS OLD!!!

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with my daughter's hair. Newsflash...she's an African American child, so yes she has "tight curls." What a travesty! In addition to being black, she's a toddler. I know, big shocker, right?! She will play and get messy, so don't be surprised if her hair isn't always perfectly in tact. I mean, what kind of society are we living in that people would be so concerned about a toddler's hair?!

Dealing with this topic the past year and a half has forced me to reflect on two things: Chris Rock's documentary "Good Hair" (I highly recommend you watch it!) and Olympic Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas. I watched Chris Rock's documentary and it brought back so many personal memories that led to tears streaming down my face. Yes, I was one of those girls that had "nappy" hair. My Mom used a hot comb to try to straighten it out, leaving me scarred (literally) and terrified. Bless her heart. She didn't mean any harm. She was just trying to do something with "that head" that would be deemed acceptable and under control.

This hot comb phase left her so exhausted and frustrated that she sent me off to the hair salon to get the latest and easiest do...a Jheri Curl!!! Dear God was I tormented. Not at first though. You see, I grew up in a predominantly white town so everyone thought this was my "natural" look...that is until I went to middle school and was joined by more black students who knew exactly what I was rockin'. I was teased, ridiculed, bullied and tormented by my peers. What's so sad is that some of them called themselves my friend. It wasn't long before I went home crying to my Mom, begging her to take me to the salon to get a relaxer (straightens black hair). I've suffered bad relaxers to the point that my hair has fallen out. I've worn wigs and weaves, you name it. Why??? Although I didn't realize it at the time, I guess my goal was to fit in with society's perception of "beauty" and the "norm."

Then there was the Gabby Douglas fiasco. Funny because I was 9 months pregnant with Gianna and due any day whenever Gabby took the world by storm in the 2012 Summer Olympics. I was rooting for her and the rest of her teammates. I was so proud of her and what she accomplished. You would think America would be proud too; and they were. Most of them were I should say. Guess who her biggest critics were...African American females!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!! It gets crazier. What were some of them (not all) critical of you might ask? Not her athletic skills. Not even her costumes or something she said. They were critical of her hair! What a shame! There was NOTHING wrong with Gabby's hair! At first, Gabby's mother felt the need to come out and explain the appearance of her daughter's hair, but it didn't take long for her to wake up and realize that she raised an Olympian with a beautiful spirit and there was nothing to apologize for nor to explain.

Let me end this rant by giving you two definitions:

Hair: any of the numerous, fine usually cylindrical, keratinous filaments growing from the skin of humans and animals

Beauty: the quality present in a thing or a person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations, a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest)

My prayer for my daughter is that she obtains "high spiritual qualities." I want her to have a beautiful spirit that lights up a room and moves hearts. I want her to know not just who she is, but whose she is (a daughter of the Most High God). Don't worry. As a devoted and caring mother, I always have and will continue to nurture and care for her, seeing to it that she receives the best care physically, emotionally and beyond. She will look presentable and carry herself well. However, my child will NOT define who she is by the appearance of her hair, or as the definition puts it: filaments growing from the skin that covers humans and animals! Peace!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Five Indoor Activities to Do with Your Toddler!!!

Ok, so if you live in the northeast like me, I'm sure you are starting to get a serious case of cabin fever. The winter storms show no signs of stopping! Are you running out of things to do with your toddler? Well Gianna and I have come to your rescue! Here are some activities Gianna and I have been exploring and I must say we are having a winter blast!


Whether you are a professional artist, artistically challenged (like yours truly) or anything in between, crafts are an easy indoor activity to do with your toddler! With Pinterest on the scene among other resources, craft ideas are super easy to find; you do not have to be "creative" by making something from scratch. Be sure to have your basic craft supplies on hand (i.e. construction paper, scissors, glue, fuzzy pom poms, googly eyes, shimmer sticks, markers and crayons). Valentine's Day is quickly approaching so why not make some Valentine's crafts to give to family members? It's a fun and inexpensive way to show someone you care! I found all of the craft ideas from above on Pinterest. We added our own little twists to them and "Ta Da!" as Gianna would say!

What better way to strengthen your child's language skills and entertain him/her than to read some awesome books?! Gianna and I love reading time! She helps me turn the pages and even "reads" to me sometimes. We've been reading winter-themed books to stay in the seasonal spirit.

We live in a day and age where you can get music at the tap of your iPad. I am a subscriber to Pandora Radio. I have a "Baby Einstein" station saved and we let the good times roll! Just freestyle with your child or take this opportunity to do more organized movement activities. Just be sure to be safe and remove any potential hazards out of the way so you and your tot have plenty of room to move and groove. One organized movement activity Gianna and I do is easy to set-up and a great way to work on gross motor skills. I blow up a couple of balloons and play classical music. I encourage Gianna to move "softly" with the balloons whenever the music is soft and move more aggressively, but safely, as the music gets loud.

I have a neat collection of children's apps on my iPad and Gianna absolutely loves them! Thanks to some of these learning apps, Gianna can now identify a handful of animals (courtesy of Baby First) and so much more! I also have a children's Bible app by You Version that is phenomenal! It incorporates engaging animation with kid-friendly storytelling techniques. Because of this app, Gianna calls my iPad "Bible." In addition to apps, You Tube is another great resource for learning activities. I have created a "Gianna Playlist" so that all of her songs are easily accessible. She sings along to songs about numbers, the alphabet, colors, shapes and more. I even have a cool song by Elmo about brushing your teeth. I play it every morning while Gianna brushes her teeth and I can see an improvement in how she cleans her little pearly whites!
When it comes to entertaining your toddler there is nothing like some good old fashioned playtime! You can make this as extravagant or as laid back of an event as you want. Dress up in your finest and have tea time or make some capes and become your child's favorite super hero! Children thoroughly enjoy having their parents play with them. Enjoy these moments to the fullest!
So there you have it folks! Our toddlers won't stay this age forever! Next thing you know, they'll be taking the keys to your car to go to the mall and hang out with their friends, so seize these precious moments! It will bring out the child in you and bring you closer to your little one!
*Have more ideas? Please share them in the comments section!